Aleph 30 or Aleph J or Aleph 3 or Aleph 5 (2024)



Joined 2014

2014-12-19 8:16 pm


    • 2014-12-19 8:16 pm
    • #1

    hi, I use amphion one 18, 85db efficient.

    I dont play music loud, so I dont need much more then 30W.

    I want to try the pass lab sound!!!

    Which of those aleph would suit me better and likely sound the most refined? as I only have a used budget of around 1k, I cannot go with f5 or other more pricey model...


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    Zen Mod

    Official Court Jester

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    2014-12-19 10:09 pm


      • 2014-12-19 10:09 pm
      • #2

      Aleph J , but cascoded input LTP and voltages as for Aleph 5

      say , that'll be Aleph 5 with JFet FE

      plenty of examples around

      don't forget later to check and set Aleph CCS AC gain



      Joined 2014

      2014-12-19 10:39 pm


        • 2014-12-19 10:39 pm
        • #3

        aleph j is in your opinion the best amp? I think its very hard to find on used market though.
        is there another comparable amp?
        I plan on buying a used unit then do the mods to get the best of that amp

        which amp would give me the best platform to build upon?

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        Joined 2010

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        2014-12-19 11:14 pm


          • 2014-12-19 11:14 pm
          • #4

          There is what looks like a competently built Aleph J on ebay now. $769 in Portland Oregon.

          Zen Mod

          Official Court Jester

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          2014-12-19 11:43 pm


            • 2014-12-19 11:43 pm
            • #5


            you want SH ?

            well , I didn't think of that , even for second 😉

            buy Aleph 5

            @motosapien - care to share link , maybe we can comment


            Dennis Hui


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            2014-12-20 3:56 am


              • 2014-12-20 3:56 am
              • #6

              To OP,

              Where in Canada are you located? A few days ago there was an Aleph 30
              (factory built one) in the Toronto area for $1200CAD. (I can't find the
              listing any more so I guess it has been sold.) Anyway, you might find
              something if you're patient.

              Perhaps there are fellow diy'ers in your area who might be able to lend
              you amps to try?




              Joined 2014

              2014-12-20 3:59 am


                • 2014-12-20 3:59 am
                • #7

                false alarm guys, sorry

                Im going with a miniref4 from linuxguru.

                thanks guys!




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                2014-12-20 10:58 am


                  • 2014-12-20 10:58 am
                  • #8

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                  Joined 2011

                  2014-12-20 5:15 pm


                    • 2014-12-20 5:15 pm
                    • #9

                    Is there a big difference in sound between 5 and J? The original Pass Lab A5 is driving 95dB speakers here for many years, never overloaded. I'm wondering if J could be an upgrade.

                    A5 is a beautiful amp, both sound and chassis.

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                    Joined 2014

                    2014-12-20 6:09 pm


                      • 2014-12-20 6:09 pm
                      • #10

                      gainclone will not happen. I want a class A or A/b...
                      so this thread may continue!



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                      2014-12-21 1:07 pm


                        • 2014-12-21 1:07 pm
                        • #11

                        Aleph J 25 Watt Class A Amplifier Nelson Pass Design | eBay

                        This Aleph J clone the star ground is placed near the inputs. To minimize the loop due to the connection cables with the preamplifier the distance between the two pin jack is minimized. In this way CL60 is no longer necessary. In an Aleph J with unbalanced inputs this design seems to me a good idea.




                        Joined 2009

                        2014-12-21 1:58 pm


                          • 2014-12-21 1:58 pm
                          • #12

                          in my modest experience Aleph (I have an A30) lacks bass control on larger speakers; it's just outright sloppy there. I tried it on my Elsinores (85L, should be over 90dB/Wm) but I am currently adding subs driven with Dclass to biamp and limit Aleph to mid/high duty. Maybe a higher power version would change things there but I am not sure.



                          Joined 2010

                          2014-12-21 3:32 pm


                            • 2014-12-21 3:32 pm
                            • #13

                            My judgment is limited to the design of the grounding.
                            I thought only Hmmmm .....




                            Joined 2002

                            2014-12-26 10:58 am


                              • 2014-12-26 10:58 am
                              • #14


                              Aleph J 25 Watt Class A Amplifier Nelson Pass Design | eBay

                              I didn't find it on the Ebay. Where it is?

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                              Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.