Splunk Stats Count By Hour (2024)

1. Solved: Stats by hour - Splunk Community

  • I would like to create a table of count metrics based on hour of the day. So average hits at 1AM, 2AM, etc. stats min by date_hour, avg by date_hour, max by ...

  • I would like to create a table of count metrics based on hour of the day. So average hits at 1AM, 2AM, etc. stats min by date_hour, avg by date_hour, max by date_hour I can not figure out why this does not work. Here is the matrix I am trying to return. Assume 30 days of log data so 30 samples per e...

2. How to get stats by hour and calculate percentage - Splunk Community

  • 1 mrt 2022 · I am trying to get the an hourly stats for each status code and get the percentage for each hour per status. Not sure how to get it.

  • Hi There, I am trying to get the an hourly stats for each status code and get the percentage for each hour per status. Not sure how to get it.my search | | bucket _time span=1h | stats count by _time http_status_code | eventstats sum(count) as totalCount | eval percentage=round((count/totalCount),3...

3. How to search for Count by day by hour or half hou...

  • I need to get count of events by day by hour or half-hour using a field in splunk log which is a string whose value is date.

  • I need to get count of events by day by hour or half-hour using a field in splunk log which is a string whose value is date - e.g. eventPublishTime: 2022-05-05T02:20:40.994Z I tried some variations of below query, but it doesn't work.  How should I formulate my query?index=our-applications env=prod...

4. How to search the count and average count of events per hour?

  • 14 aug 2015 · This will count the events per hour between 48 hours ago to 24 hours ago. Change this as you see fit or remove earliest and latest.

  • Hello Please can you provide a search for getting the number of events per hour and average count per hour?

5. Solved: Data visualization over the day (by hours) - Splunk Community

  • 24 aug 2020 · I am stuck with a dashboard which splits the events by hours of the day, to see for example the amount of events on every hours (from 00h to 23h)

  • Hi there, I know it sound pretty easy, but I am stuck with a dashboard which splits the events by hours of the day, to see for example the amount of events on every hours (from 00h to 23h) My request is like that: index=_internal | convert timeformat="%H" ctime(_time) AS Hour | stats count by Hour |...

6. Solved: group search results by hour of day - Splunk Community

  • 13 apr 2021 · I want a chart that tells me how many counts i got over the last 7 days grouped by the hour of the day for a specific user and status number.

  • Hi splunk community, I feel like this is a very basic question but I couldn't get it to work. I want to search my index for the last 7 days and want to group my results by hour of the day. So the result should be a column chart with 24 columns. So for example my search looks like this:index=myIndex...

7. How to write Stats count by hourly trend list? - Splunk Community

  • 10 apr 2022 · I want count events for each hour so i need the show hourly trend in table view. Regards.

  • Hello dears, Can i list search result with stat count like hourly trend ? Example; Hour : 00:00 EventCount: 10 Hour : 01:00 EventCount: 15 Hour : 02:00 EventCount: 23 . . Hour : 23:00 EventCount : 127 Regards.

8. Stats per hour? - Splunk Community

  • 12 feb 2016 · Set up a report showing number of users with more than nnnn events per hour. I though this query would give me per hour stats, for users with more than 3 ...

  • So, I was looking at this: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/205556/how-to-set-up-an-alert-if-the-same-error-occurs-mo.html Started with that to set up a report showing number of users with more than nnnn events per hour. I though this query would give me per hour stats, for users with more than 3 ...

9. How to find an Average Count over an hour in 5 min buckets

  • 10 apr 2019 · Im trying to find out and average count over and hour in 5 min buckets to see any large uptrends in count in general. Any advice etc would be amazing.

  • Hi Experts! So I have an issue with GC cycles and we have this logged in splunk. I have used the below query which gives me the minor occurrences count overall (and works fine ) sourcetype=system*process*gc* "[GC pause" | rex field=source "print.prod..?(?.?)\/" | rex field=source "system_print(?.*?)...

10. Calculating events per slice of time - Implementing Splunk (Update)

  • Calculating average events per minute, per hour shows another way of dealing with this behavior. ... stats count by _time. The bucket command rounds... Previous ...

  • Implementing Splunk Second Edition

11. Is there a way to display Count per hr for last 24... - Splunk Community

  • eval date_hour = strftime(_time, "%H") | stats avg(count) as average by date_hour | eval average = round(average) | fields date_hour average ] | fields - ...

  • Hi Splunk Gurus, Hoping someone out there might be able to provide some assistance with this one. I have a requirement to be able to display a count of sales per hr for the last 24 hrs (with flexibility to adjust that as needed), but also to show the average sales per hr for the last 30 days as an o...

12. Average Splunk Web requests by hour - - GoSplunk

  • ... date_hour=mvrange(0,24,1) | eval count=0 | mvexpand date_hour ] | stats sum(count) as count by date_hour _time | stats avg(count) as avg by date_hour | sort ...

  • This query is pretty awesome! It helped enlighten us to exactly when our splunk infrastructure is being hit with users index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access [ rest / splunk_server=local | fields splunk_server | rename splunk_server as host ] | bin _time span=1d | stats count by date_hour _time | appendpipe [ fields _time | dedup _time | eval […]

13. Report hourly max count events per day over a month - Splunk Community

  • | timechart span=1h count as HourlyCount | timechart span=1d max(HourlyCount) · | stats count AS hit BY date_hour, date_mday | stats max(hit) BY date_hour, ...

  • Hello, I m trying to get the hour per day which gets the most hits on my application over a month but having some issues to get the right data output. I would like to get a table report which would have: DAY1 HOURX MaxEventNumber DAY2 HOURX MaxEventNumber .... I tried the following queries but none ...

14. Count of events from yesterday and today - Splunk Searches

  • ... hours and another showing the number of events ingested in the previous 24 hour period ... stats count by _time | eval window="Yesterday" | append [search index ...

  • This Splunk search will provide a timechart that shows two series, one demonstrating the number of events ingested in the most recent 24 hours and another showing the number of events ingested in the previous 24 hour period. The results of this search are best viewed as a line chart and will allow you to compare data ingest of today compared with yesterday.

15. Using the timechart Command - Kinney Group

  • 14 aug 2024 · The timechart command in Splunk is used to create a time series chart of statistical trends in your data. It is particularly useful for analyzing time-based ...

  • Explore the functionalities and usage of Splunk's timechart command to create visual representations of time-based data.

Using the timechart Command - Kinney Group

16. Using 'group by' For Multiple Fields in Splunk - OpenObserve

  • 5 mei 2024 · index=web_logs status=200 | stats count by hour, page. With this query, Splunk will group the data by both the hour and the page visited ...

  • Unlock advanced data insights in Splunk with 'group by' for multiple fields.

Using 'group by' For Multiple Fields in Splunk - OpenObserve

17. Distinct count by hour by type - Splunk Community

  • 5 apr 2017 · I currently have a search: ... | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | streamstats time_window=1h dc(vehicle_id) AS dc_vid | timechart ...

  • I currently have a search: ... | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | streamstats time_window=1h dc(vehicle_id) AS dc_vid | timechart max(dc_vid) by hour fixedrange=false This correctly produces the number of distinct vehicles on a particular route by hour. But now assume that there are two different ve...

18. Comparing Stats Time Over Time - - GoSplunk

  • Vote Up +6. Vote Down -0. You already voted! index=_internal earliest=-48h latest=-24h | bin _time span=10m | stats count ... Splunk License Consumption via ...

  • index=_internal earliest=-48h latest=-24h | bin _time span=10m | stats count by _time | eval window="yesterday" | append [ search index=_internal earliest=-24h | bin _time span=10m | stats count by _time| eval window="today" | eval _time=(_time-(60*60*24))] | timechart span=10m sum(count) by window This search will lay a count of something (in this case, just a count) […]

19. Solved: How do I get a TRUE average event count per hour g...

  • 24 jul 2019 · However, stats calculates an average that excludes the hours that don't return any events (i.e., this isn't a true average of events per hour).

  • I'd like to assess how many events I'm getting per hour for each value of the signature field. However, stats calculates an average that excludes the hours that don't return any events (i.e., this isn't a true average of events per hour). I know how to accomplish this if I'm using a static time scop...

20. Use Splunk to count DNS queries by hour - Jason Murray

  • 10 sep 2020 · ... hour . It then sorts and counts the dates to get hourly stats. splunk. 84 Words. 2020-09-10 16:34 -0500. Newer FQDN DNS updates using DHCP ...

  • Splunk search string to count DNS queries logged from Zeek by hour: index="prod_infosec_zeek" source = /logs/zeek/current/dns.log NOT rcode_name = NXDOMAIN | eval c_time=strftime(ts,"%m/%d/%y %H") | table c_time | stats count by c_time Splunk results: c_time count ... 09/10/20 12 8563941 09/10/20 13 27413725 09/10/20 14 33185289 09/10/20 15 30942267 09/10/20 16 22590486 09/10/20 17 3876147 ... The query works by converting the EPOCH timestamp Zeek creates into the human readable format: month/day/year hour.

Splunk Stats Count By Hour (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.